iPhone concept designs, that we loved and never thought we’d see something better, at least for a few months. Now, in February 2009, we’ve got a bunch more iPhone concepts, each looking better than the previous one. The handset below is an iPhone Ultra:
Around Christmas time, in 2008 we found a couple of brilliantiPhone Ultra features a sturdy Titanium and Glass casing, an OLED display and 64 GB of internal memory. Beneath the case there’s a 1.2 GHz processor and the concept’s specs list also includes a 5.2 megapixel camera, 4G connectivity, WiFi, Bluetooth 10x and iPhone OS 2.7.
The battery of the phone will provide energy for 18 hours of video playback and 48 hours of audio playback. Here’s iPhone 4G Ultra performing the good old Google Search:
Next comes iPhone Deluxe or Luxe with an incredible 128 GB memory and dark casing with mauve decorations. Luxe can get turned into an gaming device (iGame), by attaching a keyboard and directional pad plus an action buttons pad to it, as you’ll see below.
Last, there’s iPhone Long Future, a concept iPhone that reminds me of another prototype, an Intel phone that was shown many months ago during a tech show. All of these designs were created by hdi, who did a splendid job.
[via Mobilewhack]
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