LG Mobile Phones has just announced the third annual “Design the Future” competition, in partnership with CrowdSPRING (online marketplace for creative services) and Autodesk (leader in 2D and 3D design, engineering and entertainment software). This competition debuted on March 15th and gives consumers the opportunity to design the LG phone of their dreams.
More than $80,000 in prizes are available as part of this challenge. 40 winners will be awarded on this occasion, with the first place winner getting $20,000, a Wacom Intuos4 media tablet and Autodesk industrial design software. The second place winner gets $10,000 and Autodesk SketchBook Pro software, while the third place winner will receive $5,000 and Autodesk SketchBook Pro software.
37 honorable mentions of $1,000 each will also be awarded. The competition ends on April 26, 2010 and requires participants to be US residents (citizen or green card holders), who are 18 years of age and older. Autodesk will supply entrants in the competition with a free 15 day trial version of SketchBook Pro, a paint and drawing app compatible with the Mac and PC.
We have to mention that this year’s challenge also involves Russell Bobbit, a famous movie prop master, who will award “The Prop Master’s Choice” to a competition entrant, who will receive $3,000 and the Autodesk SketchBook Pro software. Also, the winning design will be made into a mockup device that will be used in Bobbitt’s next movie. Bobitt worked on great titles like Iron Man, Iron Man 2 and Star Trek, so it’ll be great for the winner of that prize.
More details on the competition can be found here.
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