Samsung Smartphone Concept Has Some Xperia and HTC One In It

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Many people were disappointed by the Galaxy S III, but that doesn’t mean that Samsung can’t come up with some interesting designs. Or at least people can imagine they will… like Tolu Falope did, when he created the following Samsung concept smartphone, running Android 4.0 ICS and packing those trademark 3 capacitive buttons at the bottom.

The device looks like a combo between the design of a new generation of Sony Xperia phone and its back is very similar to the one of the HTC One X and One S. There’s also a very interesting browser in one of the pics and if I’m not mistaking I saw the real thing on teh ASUS Eee Slider tablet, as the standard web browser with those touch options. This is a very thin phone, with curved upper and lower edges, a plasticky look and metallic edges. I imagine it packs a quad core processor, 12 megapixel camera and 1080p display.

Also the diagonal should be around 4.7 inches or so, keeping with the modern smartphone standards. The device is certainly interesting and it would make a good new Nexus Phone, especially with the long body and bright display, plus original form factor (curved edges and very, very thin case). I wish this was the real Samsung Galaxy S III, to be honest. What do you think this handset is lacking and what do you want on it?

[via Tolu Falope on Coroflot]
