Sony Ericsson W907 Concept Phone Comes With… a Wife (?!)

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This concept phone is quite cool, so we got that out of the way, but I have to say that I smiled when I saw the “Wife” feature on the Sony Ericsson W907 specs list. I know, I know it’s a typo, but it’s too funny to ignore…


Sony Ericsson W907 comes with a 3.2 inch multitouch display, a 5 megapixel camera with autofocus, 32GB of internal memory, Walkman 4.0 player, aGPS, WiFi and HSDPA. PlayNow Arena Plus is also on board and I have to say that the design rather reminds me of a Toshiba or HTC smartphone, than a SE device.

Esato board JOJO2531 created this promising handset, but he also has some other concepts, that we’ll soon show you.

[via Esato]
