iPhone 7 Edge. This model gets rid of the screen bezels on the iPhone and also changes a few other design features. Also, be sure to check the Kickstarter page of the designer below.
Hasan Kaymak is a young and talented designer with quite a few concepts covered by us and today he showcases theThe iPhone 7 Edge concept also gets a video below. We’re dealing here with a form factor similar to the one of the iPhone 6. There’s a full aluminum chassis in the mix, without those ugly plastic lines at the back, the antenna cutouts. There seem to be more holes at the bottom now, as the speakers have been repositioned for the sake of a 6 mm waistline.
Apparently, just like the Galaxy S6 Edge, the iPhone 7 Edge is able to show notifications on the curve of the screen. That’s right, the screen is curved on the sides and I guess Samsung may object to that, unless Apple also owns patents related to curved glass. The curve is very discrete here and I guess that Apple would have to use a really resilient aluminum if they want both edge to edge displays and no Bendgate problems…
[via Hasan Kaymak]
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