HTC Neo is a Bracelet Concept With a Star Trek Vibe

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Created by Pietrangelo Manzo, a designer from Barcelona, the HTC Neo is a groovy bracelet concept, a bit oversized in my opinion, but still a device worth checking out. It has a Star Trek vibe to it and it’s basically a handset or HTC watch replacement strapped to your arm.

HTC Neo concept 3

Keep in mind this is not your teeny weeny fitness bracelet, but rather big size plate that’s applied on your arm. The strapping mechanism is typical, with two clips areas and the bracelet per se is a semicircular plasticky slab of material. If I can speculate, this model has a 4.5 inch display and it also seems to come with a camera and a crisp display. Capacitive buttons are included here and Android with HTC Sense is in the mix as well.

The main drawback here would be the inability to bend your hand properly, since the device is a tad too long. Other than that this is a well designed piece of gear, more like a fashion statement than a smartphone replacement. A good idea (although a bit too sci fi) would be to have the body of the bracelet be retractable into the wrist part…

HTC Neo concept 4



HTC Neo concept 1

HTC Neo concept 2

[via Behance]

Passionate about design, especially smartphones, gadgets and tablets. Blogging on this site since 2008 and discovering prototypes and trends before bigshot companies sometimes