Phonebrella is the Perfect Cellphone Companion for One Handed Usage During the Fall

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Once the concept handset well dries out, we turn our attention to the smartphone accessory renders, like the one below. Dubbed Phonebrella, this is actually an umbrella, with a twist. Many of us have been unable to text because of a rainy day and having to hold the umbrella. Well, no longer is that a problem.

Phonebrella concept 1

Korean company KT Design has created the Phonebrella, that also comes in handy for people using both an umbrella and a crutch for their leg for example. The key here is the ergonomic C-shaped grip for your hand. It’s placed on your wrist and removes worries about rain protection. The bottom part of the C is used as a counter weight, doing the balancing act for the accessory.

Phonebrella concept 2

The shoulder props up the rest of the stick and you now get your two hands back for full use. As far as I can see, the Phonebrella has some symbols related to modern technology etched on it. How cool would it be to come with WiFi, NFC or some social networking feature included?

Phonebrella concept 3

Phonebrella concept 4

Phonebrella concept 5

Phonebrella concept 6

Phonebrella concept 7

[via designboom]

Passionate about design, especially smartphones, gadgets and tablets. Blogging on this site since 2008 and discovering prototypes and trends before bigshot companies sometimes