Sony Ericsson New Walkman Concept Features 8 Megapixel Camera

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One can’t even go to bed and wake up the next morning, without finding out that a new SE concept design has hit the prolific Esato board. After J. Havrlant did 3 versions of the T903 Ryuga, Sealover94 decided to share his vision on the future of Sony Ericsson Walkman phones.

This time, the W1 concept phone gets pictured front and back, where it reveals a nice 8 megapixel camera.


I’ve been watching the evolution of SE concepts for quite a while now and there’s a pretty strong tendency of blending Cyber-shot and Walkman handsets. Why doesn’t Sony Ericsson do it? It’s a mystery to me… It might be that a music phone with a hot camera would have a high price tag.

[via Esato]
