iPhone 6 Phablet Features 5.7 inch Display, Imagined by Fabrizio D’Onofrio (Video)

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From the designer who gave us a pretty good Nexus 6 concept comes the iPhone 6 phablet with a 5.7 inch display, shown below. This model has been created by Fabrizio D’Onofrio, aka Sirkdow and it looks very slim and hot.

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The device packs a 5.7 inch Full HD display, runs iOS 8 and has an Apple A8 64 bit processor inside. 2 GB of RAM are inside and the device comes in 32 GB, 64 GB and 128 GB storage versions. This iPhone 6 phablet seems very thin and the back doesn’t seem very inspired, since it says iPhone and I doubt Apple would feel the need for that branding.

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Other than that the design is pretty predictable, with an edge to edge approach upfront and a Touch ID Home button, as well as Lightning port flanked by speakers. A pattern that keeps repeating on all iPhone 6 concepts is the shape of the volume buttons, that have become pill shaped instead of round, this time.

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[Via ConceptsiPhone]

Passionate about design, especially smartphones, gadgets and tablets. Blogging on this site since 2008 and discovering prototypes and trends before bigshot companies sometimes