iPhone X Blush Gold is Happening, At Least in Render Form

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Apple’s latest trendy color seems to be “Blush Gold”. They came up with the gold iPhone, rose gold and the whole RED thing. Also, remember the black iPhone 7, which was very hard to find? Anyways, iPhone X Blush Gold is happening, at least in concept form.

The creation of Phone Industry, the device gets ultra glossy. It feels like those customized golden iPhones from Russia, with real gold applied to them. Till now Apple tried to stay away from opulence, keeping their gold and rose gold model from going REALLY golden. This time the blush gold model feels like it’s glossy and matte at the same time and I can’t quite explain what’s happening there.

I’d call it “yellow gold with a hint of beige”. The back side is certainly not real yellow gold, that’s for sure. You know what I miss? The mirrored Platinum of the Xperia Z5. That was fine as hell… But also a fingerprint magnet. There’s also a bonus from the designer: a pair of AirPods with the same Blush Gold hue. I love the way the frame and buttons glisten on the sides.

Pretty sure it’ll happen.

[via Phone Industry]

Passionate about design, especially smartphones, gadgets and tablets. Blogging on this site since 2008 and discovering prototypes and trends before bigshot companies sometimes