Thor is a Fully Modular Smartphone, Also Fully Customizable

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I have the feeling there’s so much lost potential in the area of modular phones, as if these projects come to a point, show potential and then get canned. Project Ara keeps getting delayed, we haven’t heard of ZTE’s Eco Mobius in a while and the LG G5 doesn’t have enough modules. Maybe Thor can give us hope…

Thor fully modular smartphone concept  (1)

The creation of designer Mladen Milic, this device is meant as a mix between the ZTE Eco-Mobius and Project ARA, but with extra options. The designer also mentions his project is similar to Phoneblocks and ARA, only this phone won’t break into pieces if dropped and you won’t have to fear losing a module. Thor is supposed to be about freedom of choice, safety and personal taste.

Thor fully modular smartphone concept  (2)

The modules of this phone can be added or removed by activating a small lever placed on the side and all the other bits can be inserted via slide rails. Users can mix, mach and swap bits as they please and create a variety of designs and form factors. CPU, GPU, RAM and ROM can be replaced with ease. You can opt for 3 main formats: mini tower (4.7 inch), mid tower (5 inch) and big tower (5.5 inch).

You can also opt for a classic screen, 2.5D screen and curved screen. Round Home buttons, oval Home buttons and fingerprint scanners are all on the table, as extras. Honestly speaking, I haven’t seen the big players messing with these elements, so kudos to Mladen Milic for the ideas.

Thor fully modular smartphone concept  (3)

Thor fully modular smartphone concept  (4)

Thor fully modular smartphone concept  (5)

Thor fully modular smartphone concept  (6)

Thor fully modular smartphone concept  (7)

Thor fully modular smartphone concept  (8)

[via designedbyhege]

Passionate about design, especially smartphones, gadgets and tablets. Blogging on this site since 2008 and discovering prototypes and trends before bigshot companies sometimes