Now that’s an original smartphone! What you’re seeing below is called the Drasphone and it’s a handset that’s meant to combine the clamshell with a flexible handset. This conceptual smartphone is able to bend at 3 points, not two or one.
You can do a half fold of the smartphone and turn this accordion-like device into a MiniDras, or do a complete fold and turn it into a MicroDras. The folding is seamless and you can see no hinge interruption the flow of the screen touch area. The phone seems to be a phablet of sorts, with a metal body, that has a series of watch-like bands between the segments.
The metal buttons are pretty good looking and I find it strange there’s no flash for the back camera. The device leaves room for the user’s fingers at the back, exactly in those curving areas. There’s a slight vibe of fragility going on here and at the same time we’ve spotted what it seems like dual front speakers. If HTC has any… cojones, they’d pull this off now!
[via Yanko Design]
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