While Elon Musk tries to make us independent from the power grid, mainstream devices like smartphones and tablets are still powered by good old fashioned power. Well, that will no longer happen, if we take the Delta V handset seriously.
Category: Eco Friendly
How about a tablet that’s as eco-friendly as it gets? Jun-se Kim, Yonggu Do and Eunha Seo created the Ecopad slate, pictured below and no using any external power source, but instead relying on a nano piezoelectricity film that gathers power from each touch or press of the screen. The
I’m the type of guy who spins his keychain on his finger when bored and I bet that some of you do too… How about generating some energy through this action? The idea comes into play with the RevOlve Kinetic Phone, that gets charged when you spin it around your
Joseph K. Lee recently posted on the web a phone design called Sign, a device that uses sun power to charge the battery up to 80%. The design of the Sign is pretty futuristic, as you can see in the images below. The handset has a concealed screen, based on
The following ZTE Corporation design is an award winner, having received the Red Dot Concept Design prize. Known as the Double Phone, this handset has solar cells across its front side and comes with a 360 degree rotating hinge. Its specs list includes a 3.2 inch LCD display, touch interface
How about a new Nokia design based on eco-friendly technologies? Patrick Hyland created the interesting Nokia E-Cu concept, that can be charged simply by using heat. The handset integrates a thermogenerator, that turns heat into electrical energy, so while in your pocket the device can get charged. The E-Cu name
We’re once again on the green side of things, thanks to a concept smartphone designed with recycling in mind. Dubbed the Revive Smartphone, this unit was created by Kinneir Dufort, while the UI is the work of Duncan Shotton. Revive can be easily disassembled and recycled, with its components being
Some of you might remember Cyrene Quiamco as the designer of some very hot concepts we’ve seen a while ago and now shes’s back, with the Aeolus handset, pictured below. This eco-friendly cellphone gets its energy from wind and solar power, charging its onboard battery. The phone allows the user
Described by its maker, Terrillo Walls as the “perfect multimedia phone”, the Jaybird handset is a concept packing an 8 megapixel camera. The latter comes with Xeon Flash, 720p video recording and we learn that the phone also includes a speaker and solar panels, for charging purposes. This eco-friendly phone
Wearable phones are nothing new, but when this sort of design meets eco-friendliness, something interesting is bound to be created. Mexican designer Veronica Eugenia Rodriguez Ortiz created the Yuxa wearable cellphone concept, that can be worn around the user’s wrist, just like a bracelet or a watch. The device vibrates
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