So People Are Making Fake Renders Now: HTC Nexus 6p 5.0 and 5.5 Rendered

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Leave it to Evan Blass to spot a fake render, so the rest of us won’t get fooled by then. It’s a sensitive period now, since we’re two weeks away from the debut of the Galaxy Note 7 and not very far from the iPhone 7 debut too. And then we’ll see the HTC Nexus 2016 models…

HTC Nexus Marlin Sailfish fake leaks

Codenamed Sailfish and Marlin, they’ve managed to leak a few times, giving designers ideas such as the one above. In this iteration there seems to be a so called HTC Nexus 6p 6.0 and a HTC Nexus 6p 5.5. I very much doubt the names will stick, but I have to admit the left side design is pretty interesting. The right one is a glorified HTC 10 leak from the pre launch period.

The leftmost model seems to adopt the big speaker holes and design traits of a modern HTC Desire model, mixed with a back that seems pretty unique to me, even though it’s lacking the third of glass we’ve seen at the top of the back in previous leaks. If I had to choose, I’d take the left one over the right, but once again these are merely fakes…

[via Evan Blass]

Passionate about design, especially smartphones, gadgets and tablets. Blogging on this site since 2008 and discovering prototypes and trends before bigshot companies sometimes