Microsoft Surface Phone Features Two HD Touchscreens

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Created by Antonio Celestino from Brazil, the Microsoft Surface Phone is an unique take on the smartphone that MS is supposed to be working on. Interestingly enough, this phone features two high definition touchscreen displays, one on the front and the other on the back of the handset. You can see another concept Surface Phone we posted a while ago by clicking the link in this sentence.

Thus you’re getting an extended user interface and this model appears to be running Windows Phone 8 from the pics. The Surface Phone is very rounded and its profile seen from up looks like a hexagon. This device inaugurates a new way of multitasking, by rotating the phone and opening another task. There are also fully integrated bumpers, so the screens won’t touch the ground. Other specs include 8 megapixel front and back cameras and the chassis is merely 8mm thick.

As you can see the screen areas are slightly curved and rounded, so this model seen from the side may look a case for eye glasses. This certainly looks like something that Nokia would make, or at least turn into a prototype for future use. The only thing I find unusual about the Surface Phone is the Home button, that’s a bit too low to be comfortable to use.

[via Behance]
